Business Relocation

Business Relocation Hub


Partnering in Your Relocation Analysis

Randolph County includes successful business operations in our two primary cities, in small towns and in rural locations. We are prepared to discuss any of these options including workforce availability and costs of doing business.

Economic Development Incentives

Randolph County United maintains close working relationships with all relevant local, regional, state and national agencies that are sources of tax, workforce or other incentives. We work directly with prospective relocations in the grant writing process, if applicable.

Site Selection: Industrial, Storefront

RCU maintains contact with available sources of retail or industrial space, and with new developments that will be ready by the time  of your relocation. The state of Indiana plays a powerful role in encouraging relation.


Indiana Economic Development

The IEDC is active in developing and promoting favorable policies and programs that facilitate doing business in Indiana.


Details, Indiana vs. Midwest States

The tables below provide detailed information, Indiana vs. other Midwest states. The results reflect an aggressive state looking to the requirements for success in a rapidly changing marketplace.